About Us
Hyatt Simons & BestSexToys.com
Bestsextoys.com was created in 2002 by Hyatt Simons.
Hyatt Simons, a sex shop owner located in Miami, FL since 1995, her store was one of the biggest local adult shops in Miami, and people would recognize her as "Hyatt The Sexy".
One day, Todd Krock (A friend of her) suggested Hyatt why not turning her local store "Best sex toys" into an online project because that was what many local companies were doing.
That's when Hyatt and Todd decided to enter into an agreement and both would start the online business "Bestsextoys.com". Initially, it was simple regarding the inventory because Hyatt already had it all from her local store.
The difficulty came when it was regarding the online e-commerce they were trying to build.
With a big team of developers, and a lot of investment required from Hyatt and Todd they officially launched BestSexToys.com in 2002. Immediately, the online store got sales all around the world and making bestsextoys.com one of the biggest online store for adult shopping.
Nowadays, Hyatt closed the Miami local store and moved all online because the number of orders that are requested online made it impossible to maintain a good quality service in the local store and the online store at the same time.
BestSextoys.com is your go-to for adult shopping.