Sex Toys for Couples
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Best-Selling Couple's Sex Toys

Battery Info: 1 x AA battery
Vibration speed: Single speed
Flexibility: Firm
Material: Silicone
Waterproof: No
Allergens: Latex-Free

Spreader Bar and Handcuff Set
Fastening: Velcro
Allergens: Latex-Free
Length: 24 inches
Fabric: Neoprene

Adrien Lastic Mr Hook
Material: Silicone
Flexibility: Flexible
Circumference: 3 inches
Insertable Length: 2.5 inches
Length: 5.5 inches
Power Type: Rechargeable
Vibration speed: Multiple
Waterproof: Splash-proof

Vibe Pad Hands Free
Material: Silicone
Flexibility: Flexible
Run Time: 120 minutes
Power Type: Rechargeable
Vibration speed: Multiple
Waterproof: Submersible
How to Introduce Sex Toys in a Relationship

Introducing sex toys in your relationship is a healthy way to discuss your sexual wants, needs, and desires. It gives you and your partner a project you can work on together and introduces a new sexual exploration that you can both look forward to.
To properly communicate this to your partner, it’s important to be mindful of how you open up the subject. This is important to avoid confusing your partner, or worse, offending them because the last thing that you’d want them to feel is that they aren’t enough for you or that you feel dissatisfied with your level of intimacy.
Here are different ways to introduce the use of sex toys with your partner;
1. Introduce sex toys in an ego-neutral way.
Introducing the idea to your partner is an emotional labor that you have to endure to avoid upsetting them. Start by shifting the focus away from your partner and onto the features and benefits of the sex toys. Make the conversation informative and eye-opening.
Emphasize how both of you can benefit from using sex toys instead of focusing on your need alone. To make the conversation lighter, express your intention to experiment and experience something new.
2. Allow your partner to pick a sex toy.
Choosing a sex toy for couples should be a mutual decision. So give your partner the authority to decide which sex toy they want to use, and pick your choice. This can make the idea more plausible because the selection process goes both ways.
You can browse through different sex toys together as you learn how they work and discuss how to use them. Such open communication could also be a fun and intimate bonding moment for you.
3. Agree on certain boundaries.
When it comes to the use of couple’s sex toys, it is important that you and your partner are comfortable with the idea. Discuss openly how you’d want to incorporate sex toys during sex and identify specific boundaries that you shouldn’t cross.
Some sexual practices that involve sex toys may trigger certain fears or stigma that can negatively affect your intimacy. So determine beforehand how far you’re willing to go with your preferences and respect each other’s limits.
4. Shop for a sex toy together.
Make your partner feel that they are a major part of the decision by shopping for a sex toy together. Both of you should be hands-on from the selection process all the way to finalizing the purchase. This can build up the anticipation and excitement in using the sex toys to boost your sex life and relationship.
5. Give your partner credit.
When using sex toys with your partner during sex, give them credit for the pleasure you receive – not the sex toy. Allow them to feel that they’re the ones you appreciate more and acknowledge the skills they’re acquiring using the sex toys.
Giving your partner all the credit can boost their confidence in bed and help them develop an openness to try out new things that you’ll both find pleasurable and exciting.
How Sex Toys Help Your Relationship

A lot of married couples, as well as those that are in long-term relationships, get stuck in a sexual routine. This is a very typical scenario, and it’s inevitable for most couples. Dry spells are notoriously part of any normal relationship. However, this is not a consolation for those who are experiencing it.
According to a survey involving couples in a long-term relationship and marriage, the more that they get used to their partner, the less exciting sex becomes. And if it’s true that “familiarity is the death of sex drive”, every couple can benefit from a change in routine. And this is the point where sex toys can help you reignite your sex drive and passion for boosting your relationship.
Here’s how sex toys can help improve your relationship;
1. Rekindle the fire.
Bonding on a new activity with your partner and breaking your routine can spark sexual arousal. It triggers your body to release dopamine and other brain chemicals that have a direct link to romance and physical attraction.
Doing something new and introducing sex toys in your relationship create a renewed sense of intimacy and bond. Just like engaging in an activity that scares or excites you, using sex toys can duplicate the same feelings that you had during the early phase of your relationship.
2. Promote mutual pleasure.
Sex toys for couples are specifically-designed to deliver sexual pleasure for both parties involved. Therefore, you can expect pleasure that goes both ways when you incorporate sex toys in your lovemaking session.
Experiencing mutual pleasure with your partner strengthens your level of intimacy, enables both of you to appreciate each other in bed, and revives your passion and desire.
3. Help you discover new pleasure zones.
Couple’s sex toys enable you to make discoveries about your partner. You might realize that your partner has sensitive zones in their body that they haven’t discovered yet. And you can explore and uncover them with the use of a sex toy. The same goes for you. Sex toys can help you discover new pleasurable sensations and experience a heightened sense of arousal that you haven’t had before.
4. Trigger simultaneous orgasm.
Having simultaneous orgasm is something that most couples find pleasurable and satisfying. It contributes to a stronger bond knowing that they’re able to fulfill each other’s needs. It helps develop a sense of emotional alignment and security. Couples’ sex toys can help you develop this kind of attachment with your partner.
You just have to develop and learn the right techniques that work best for you. Examples of sex toys that may trigger simultaneous orgasms are Couple’s Vibrators, Dildos, and Vibrating Cock Rings.
5. Encourage learning between partners.
There is always a sense of joy and fulfillment in learning something new with your partner- and sex toys are one of them. It’s beneficial to your sex life and relationship because you’re welcoming and learning new things.
Not all couples are familiar with the different kinds of sex toys, how they work, and the sensation they bring. Assimilating this new information with your partner and experiencing them together is priceless and memorable.
6. Break the monotony
In most marriages and long-term relationships, sex becomes more like an obligation rather than a passionate act. If you’re starting to drift into this phase, break the monotony in your sex life and surprise your partner with new sensations using a sex toy. Being creative and imaginative can help you overcome the dry spells, and prevent yourself and your partner from getting stuck in a sexual rut.
How Couples Use Sex Toys

Survey reveals that almost 50% of couples use sex toys to enhance sexual intimacy with their partners. Vibrators are the sex toys that have the highest percentage of users. Out of those who participated in the survey, 49% of the couples who use vibrators report that they could improve their communication on sex and other subjects. For those who didn’t use vibrators, only 29% report the same level of openness and communication.
Furthermore, when it comes to satisfying sex, couples are expected to give directions to their partners comfortably. According to the survey, 29% of the couples who use vibrators have no qualms about giving their partners instructions and directions during sex. And as for those who don’t use vibrators, only 17% can confidently guide their partners in giving them stimulation.
Sex toys are increasingly becoming more popular in almost every corner of the world. Reports reveal that 80% of sex toy owners have a vibrator, which explains the immense popularity of this adult toy. In fact, nearly half of adult women over the age of 18 are actively using sex toys or have tried to use at least one type of woman sex toy. Surprisingly, those who are in relationships are more likely to use them.
Apparently, the use of couple’s sex toys is still on the rise as they continue to gain popularity all over the world. And with the constant development of app-controlled sex toys, couples in long-distance relationships are likewise appreciating their benefits and usefulness in maintaining sexual intimacy.
Recent statistics reveal that 15% of Americans use sex toy apps, such as app-controlled vibrators. Experts predict that app-controlled sex toys will become a significant part of people’s sex lives over the coming years.
Where to Find Sex Toys for Couples

Couple’s sex toys can be found in sex shops – both online and in a physical store. You can also find them in a lot of online selling platforms. If you’re interested to learn about how sex toys work, their features, and the different types, the internet can offer you a load of information. You’ll also find different varieties ranging from cheap sex toys for couples all the way to the most extravagant ones.
Local Sex Toy Shops
If you’re more interested in seeing the actual product so you can examine its features, texture, and physical form, you can benefit from entering a sex toy store. This would also allow you to inquire about the different products on-hand so you can have a closer look.
It takes a higher level of boldness and confidence to talk about sex toys and treat them like any other consumer. However, if you’re looking to see the actual product, you may go to a physical sex toy shop to satisfy your need for information.
Online Sex Toy Shops
You can also find the best sex toys for couples in specialty online sex shops like that review and evaluate the highest-ranking sex toys in the market. The products are organized into different categories for your shopping convenience and ease of navigation.
There is a specific category for couple’s sex toys wherein you’ll discover other related products for every item with a full product description, competitive pricing, and accurate review for your reference.
Online Selling Platforms
If you have an existing account with an online selling platform, you may browse through their sex toys for couples. You may search through a wide variety of options as well. However, because these platforms do not focus and specialize in sex toys alone, you cannot expect the items to be systematically organized according to product type and category.
Using online selling platforms would allow you to make a price comparison and discover a long line of cheap couple’s sex toys that would address a specific need.
What to Look for When Buying a Couple’s Sex Toy

When buying a sex toy, it’s important to be meticulous and specific about certain things. It is a type of purchase that requires the protection of your privacy and value for money. So if you’re considering buying a sex toy to level up your lovemaking sessions with your partner, look for a merchant that can guarantee you a pleasant, safe, and secure shopping experience.
Here are the most important things to look for when buying a couple’s sex toy;
1. Credibility.
Make sure that you’re buying from a legit and credible seller. Check out for the line of products, reviews, and other relevant information before purchasing a sex toy. Credible sellers usually provide valuable information about their products and educate their customers about the proper use and maintenance of sex toys.
2. Accuracy.
Check for the accuracy of the product descriptions and images. Take your time to research if you’re getting consistent, well-aligned, and reliable information about a particular couple’s sex toy. Legit sellers are always consistent with the details they provide to their customers and feature accurate reviews. So consider any misleading information a red flag.
3. Quality of Products.
With the increasing number of couple’s sex toys available in the market, shopping for a quality product becomes a major challenge. It’s quite tricky to determine which sex toys offer the best quality and which ones are not worth your money. Don’t be overwhelmed by the choices. A good sex shop can offer you only the best couples’ sex toys in the market to make the shopping experience more pleasurable and less intimidating.
4. Competitive Pricing.
Pricing is a major consideration when shopping for a couple’s sex toy. Make price comparisons online to get a better idea and be systematic with your search. First, determine the type of sex toy you prefer. Second, visit different online sex shops to compare the pricing for the same product. Make sure that the websites are legit. And third, check out the reviews to ensure that you’re getting good value for your money.
5. Secure and Discreet Billing.
We understand the need for secure and discreet billing, because this accounts to your privacy and the confidentiality of your purchase. If you’re particular about this service feature, choose online sex toy sellers that guarantee efficient shopping solutions. A secure check-out process and discreet billing can save you from many worries and inconveniences when shopping for sex toys.
6. Discreet Packaging.
The packaging and handling of your sex toy purchase is of utmost importance to ensure safe and discreet delivery. Therefore, when buying a sex toy, make sure that you can count on a secure and low-key packaging that won’t attract attention and trigger suspicions.
7. Worldwide Shipping.
Choose online sex toy stores that offer worldwide shipping because these are websites that reach more customers and exert efforts to build strong brand awareness across the globe. Worldwide coverage is also a sure sign of company stability and credibility, especially if shipping is free.
8. Customer Service.
Sex toy shops that offer excellent customer service are major advantages, whether you’re buying from a physical store or online. It offers you the convenience of getting quick answers to your queries and gives you access to efficient after-sales service. Customer service availability also allows you to keep track of your purchase, follow-up on order status, make changes with your order, and communicate other concerns.
How to Clean Your Sex Toys

Couple’s sex toys deserve special treatment, not only because you’re sharing them with your partner but also because of general hygiene. To clean your sex toy, you must consider several factors before deciding how to sanitize and maintain them. Here are the top factors to consider.
What is your couple’s sex toy made of?
Check out the material of your sex toy to find the most convenient and safest means to clean it. If it’s made from non-porous materials like clinical-grade silicone, metal, or glass, cleaning and sanitation is easier because it won’t absorb body fluids and dirt. Superficial cleansing with soap and warm water would be enough to keep the toy safe for use.
Sex toys that are made of rubber, vinyl, and plastic are not ideally recommended because they contain toxic substances such as phthalate, phenol, and cadmium. But if you have them, you can simplify the cleaning process by applying a condom with every use.
To clean and sanitize sex toys made of rubber, vinyl, and plastic, you’ll need to use a damp cloth with a small amount of soap or rub with sanitizing wipes specifically-designed for sex toys. Allow to air dry completely.
Sex toys made of cyberskin and leather are the trickiest to clean. But you may also use a damp towel with mild soap or sanitizing wipes. Avoid using warm water because it may damage the material.
For thorough maintenance, you may also use a sanitizing spray, then allow to air dry. To avoid stickiness and to preserve the quality of cyberskin, apply some talcum powder or cornstarch. This can help absorb the excess moisture.
Is it static or motorized?
Static sex toys are less complicated to clean because you can give them a good rub with soap and water. If they’re made from non-porous materials, you may soak them in hot water for 5 minutes for sterilization.
Motorized sex toys require special care and handling. Check out the manufacturer’s instructions on proper cleaning. Or, use a warm damp cloth with soap and water to clean its surface. Alternative cleaning options are sanitizing wet wipes and mild sanitizing stray.
Is it a battery-operated or a rechargeable sex toy?
Make sure to remove the batteries of your battery-operated sex toys prior to cleaning. For rechargeable sex toys, make sure to cover up the cable outlet if it’s not supposed to get in contact with water. Non-waterproof sex toys should not be submerged in water to avoid damaging the electronic parts and vibrating mechanism.
Is it waterproof?
Clean waterproof sex toys with soap and warm water. Give them a good rub and rinse thoroughly. Pay close attention to cleaning the parts that are in direct contact with the skin and body tissues, especially areas where body fluids and lubricants tend to settle.
Does it require special maintenance?
Some sex toys can be a lot more complicated to clean than the others. Some cleaning agents may not be suitable for your sex toy, such as antimicrobial cleansers, disinfectants, bleach, and hot water.
Some sex toys also require suitable after-care such as air drying, powder application, hand-washing, and an additional layer of protection to maintain its quality and longevity. Make sure to check out with the manufacturer’s instructions for special care and maintenance.
Must-Have Couples’ Sex Toys

Sex toys can help in adding a new dimension to any relationship. This is the rationale behind the Must-Have Sex Toys for couples that you can add to your sexual repertoire. Did you know that 75% of women are unable to reach orgasm through penetrative sex alone?
Almost 50% of women admit to fake an orgasm at least once, and the survey reveals that this is true. By using Must-Have couples’ sex toys, your chances of reaching the “Big O” increase dramatically.
Here are the hottest “Must-Have” Sex Toys for couples that you might want to consider;
1. Must Have: Couple's Vibrators
If you don’t have the slightest idea about these innovative sex toys for couples, online resources reveal that Couple’s Vibrators provide stimulation to both partners during sexual intercourse. This results in mutual pleasure and powerful orgasms. Couple’s Vibrators usually come with a remote control, and the most popular model is the We-Vibe Sync.
It’s meant to be worn by the woman during sexual intercourse. Once it’s turned on, the vibrations strategically hit both the G-spot and the clitoris. The male partner can also feel the vibrations while he’s inside the woman or during vaginal penetration.
The most common type of Couple’s Vibrator comes in the form of a small U-shaped sex toy that’s made of body-grade silicone. The latest models are flexible and adjustable to hit the right spots. The shape and form are ergonomically-designed to go inside the woman’s vagina.
And if you’re wondering how a man’s penis can penetrate a vagina if there’s a sex toy in it, you’d be surprised (or even delighted) to know that the penis and a couple’s vibrator can positively coexist side-by-side within a woman. And this leads to mutual pleasure and satisfaction because both parties can benefit from the stimulation.
2. Must Have: Sex Masks
As the old saying goes, the best things in life can be fully-enjoyed and savored with closed eyes. That’s why we close our eyes when kissing. The same is true for sex, if you want to feel the intensity of the stimulation, keep your eyes shut and just focus on the sensation.
And to give you the feeling of helplessness in the midst of pleasure, Sex Masks can add thrill to this idea.
Long before the hype over Fifty Shades of Gray, Sex Masks are already popular sex paraphernalia for most adventurous couples. They’re basic yet very functional for those who want to level up their sexual experience.
The feeling of helplessness and lack of foresight on what your partner is going to do next make sex more exciting. It can keep you hanging on as you anticipate the surprises that are bound to unfold.
3. Must Have: Vibrating Cock Rings
Cock Rings are useful in improving penile erections. Although they are primarily helpful for men with erectile dysfunction, they are just as beneficial to healthy men who want to achieve sustained and longer erections.
An innovative twist to the basic Cock Ring is the addition of vibrating elements to make the experience pleasurable to the one wearing it and to his partner as well. In its simplest sense, the main advantage of Vibrating Cock Rings is that they are useful in stimulating both parties during penetrative sex. And this makes them one of the best and most efficient sex toys for couples.
A Vibrating Cock Ring fits around the base of the penis. Some models fit around both the penis and testicles. It applies pressure to the surrounding area to squeeze the blood vessels that carry blood out of the penis, thereby causing the blood flow to slow down. This results in a longer and more sustained erection since the pressure traps the blood in the penis and keeps it there longer.
4. Must Have: Bondage Collars
A subtle and less-intimidating form of BDSMis achievable using Bondage Collars. For any healthy and sexually-active couple, a little bit of adventure and role-playing is always a good game changer. Bondage Collars are couple’s sex toys that you can use to drive your partner to assume the role of a slave, while you’re assuming the “dom”, “sir”, or “master” role.
While Bondage Collars are useful primarily for BDSM and in combination with other sex toys like whips, they are functional on their own. They serve as one way of introducing a partner to the world of bondage, slavery, and masochism.
In addition to that, wearing a Bondage Collar also has a symbolism. The collar is the most apparent symbol that a submissive partner can wear, which is given by their Dominant. Some also use a Bondage Collar as a day collar and is typically the most important accessory worn daily as a symbol of commitment.
What Is a Couple’s Sex Toy Kit?

A Couple’s Sex Toy Kit is an all-in-one package that includes several sex toys that you can use with your partner during intercourse. These sex toys are usually the ones that you can use in combination with one another because of their complementing uses and purposes. Thus, you can purchase them in a bundle pack.
One of the reasons that make a Couple’s Sex Toy Kit appealing to a lot of sex toy beginners is its affordability and practicality. It’s also more economical since you don’t have to order the sex toys individually. On the more practical side, each sex toy included in the kit is useful on its own or in combination with the other toys. Furthermore, you can use them with your partner during couple play or all by yourself during your private moment.
Here are some examples of Couple’s Sex Toy Kits;
BDSM Kit: Ball Gag, Handcuffs, Bondage Collar, Bondage Rope, Blindfold, Nipple Clamps, Paddle, and Whip
Couple’s Starter Kit: Vibrator, Bullet Vibrator, Anal Beads, Small Vibrator, Cock Ring, and Wet Wipes
Eco-Friendly Sexy Kit: Natural Soy Candle (which transforms into skin-safe massage oil as it melts), Natural Spa Products, All-Natural Lubricant, Eco-Friendly Condoms, and Modern-Art Latex and Phthalate-Free Vibrator
Basic Couple’s Sex Toy Kit: Rabbit Vibrator, Cock Rings, Anal Beads, Butt Plug, Egg Vibrator, and Kegel Balls
Sex Toys for Gay Couples (Anal Pleasure Pack): Anal Beads, Butt Plug, Vibrating Butt Plug, and Anal Douche
His and Hers Sex Toy Kit: Multi-Speed Vibrator with multiple sleeves for a variety of sensations, Assorted Styles of Flexible Penis Rings, and Lubricant
What Are the Best Sex Toys for Couples?

Using sex toys can nourish the very essence of sex and boost the level of excitement. Research proves that the use of sex toys does not focus on the actual penetration alone. It is also about the sexual arousal and stimulation of orgasm. For most couples, sex toys provide a workable solution to improve sexual performance and increase sex drive. This ultimately results in a stronger bond and a higher level of intimacy.
If you believe that you and your partner can benefit from using sex toys for couples, you’ve come exactly to the right place. The following are the best couple’s sex toys that you can experiment with and play with your partner to keep the fire burning in your relationship.
Bondage Ropes
For most couples that practice BDSM, Bondage Ropes are absolute essentials. These are useful in tying up a submissive partner so the dominant can perform their desired actions. A Bondage Rope is available in various lengths depending on the purpose and rope play to which it is intended. It also comes in various types of materials such as silk, nylon, and cotton.
What makes a Bondage Rope a couple’s sex toy? A Bondage Rope is useful in the practice of BDSM to restrain the submissive partner and apply restrictions to their movements. Advance players also use them to suspend their partner during the sexual act or rope playing action.
There are many distinctive styles of rope bondage, which are variations of the Japanese Shibari style. Examples of these rope-tying techniques are for suspension, breast bondage, and floor bondage.
How Bondage Ropes work in BSDM: The Dominant use the Bondage Ropes to restrain their Submissive in a particular position during a ritual or sexual routine. The goal is to restrict the movements and achieve the position of submission or helplessness.
During rope bondage, the Dominant acquires pleasure from their partner’s submissive state because they are able to generate strong feelings of power and dominion. On the other hand, the submissive partner achieves arousal from their immobility, vulnerability, and exposure.
Couples’ Vibrators
Among couples that want to achieve simultaneous arousal and orgasm during sexual intercourse, Couple’s Vibrators are the most suitable choice. Couple’s Vibrators come in many different forms, varieties, and colors. The most popular type is the U-shaped vibrator that is worn by the female partner during sex. Most Couple’s Vibrators are made of body-safe silicone material and come with a remote control.
How to use a Couple’s Vibrator: A Couple’s Vibrator is usually a U-shaped toy that delivers powerful vibrations for both partners. One end is ergonomically-shaped and designed for vaginal insertion while the other end is meant to stimulate the clitoris.
Once the sex toy is on, it provides simultaneous stimulation to the G-spot and clitoris. During vaginal penetration, the vibration also stimulates the penis, which makes the experience pleasurable for both male and female partners.
What makes a Couple’s Vibrator a unique Couple’s Sex Toy? A Couple’s Vibrator is a sex toy that can coexist with a penis in a woman’s vagina during sex. It is meant to be worn during vaginal penetration to deliver pleasure to both partners.
The vibrations are adjustable to many different levels to intensify the experience. This makes a Couple’s Vibrator highly useful and beneficial to couples who want mutual stimulation and orgasm.
Double-Ended Dildos
Adventurous couples with a fascination for unique Couple’s Sex Toys will find a Double-Ended Dildo a pleasurable addition to their sexual routine. Its double-ended feature is suitably-designed for double penetration and satisfaction to almost every type of couple.
What is a Double-Ended Dildo? A Double-Ended Dildo is a dildo that has two ends that both resemble a male penis. It has a longer shaft and veiny texture to deliver a realistic sensation. Most Double-Ended Dildos are made from clinical-grade silicone and specifically-designed for both solo play and partner play.
And because it’s longer and meant for dual penetration, the entire length is bendable to conform to different modes of use.
Who can benefit from a Double-Ended Dildo? Heterosexual and homosexual couples can both benefit from a Double-Ended Dildo. In fact, it’s more appealing to lesbian and gay couples because of its unique look, shape, and design. It offers a creative element to a sexual repertoire.
A Double-Ended Dildo allows dual penetration, which makes it suitable for lesbian couples (vaginal penetration for both partners) and gay couples (anal penetration for both partners).
Ball Gags
Gags primarily refer to the dominant and submissive dynamic in sex. A Ball Gag is a piece of bondage equipment that is meant to muffle a submissive partner. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on their purpose, which could be to silence a partner, for oral sex, or to emphasize submission.
What is Ball Gag? A Ball Gag is a soft and solid rubber ball that is specifically-designed for mouth insertion. It has straps on either side to secure it in place. The gag serves as a silencer, which, in turn, enhances the BDSM scene as it affects your moment with your partner.
The submissive who’s wearing the Ball Gag can have mental and physical arousal, knowing that they’re helpless and submissive to their partner. For the Dominant, the Ball Gag serves as reinforcement and establishes their position of power and authority.
What happens when you wear a Ball Gag? Once you decide to wear a Ball Gag, it’s an indication that you trust your partner. Ball Gags cause a lot of drooling. However, that’s where the majority of its appeal comes from for both the submissive and dominant. Your mouth won’t be able to swallow easily, and the drool that flows out becomes part of the turn-on process.
Visually, Ball Gags are stimulating for those who practice BDSM. They trigger emotional vulnerability, which adds to the dominant-submissive experience. For most kinksters, these sex toys create animalistic instincts. Instead of moaning, whispering, and describing sexual pleasure, the Ball Gag forces the submissive partner to remain powerless.
Vibrating Cock Rings
Cock rings are functional and beneficial sex toys for men, especially those who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. What makes them suitable sex toys for couples is their ability to prolong and sustain penile erection. And with the addition of the vibrating feature in Vibrating Cock Rings, the pleasure extends to the wearer’s partner.
What is a Vibrating Cock Ring? A Vibrating Cock Ring is a penile ring or O-ring that has a vibrating element. It is usually made of clinical-grade silicone and comes in various colors and variations.
It is meant to sustain penile erection by restricting the blood flow from the penis. During penetration, the vibrations can stimulate the clitoris, making the experience pleasurable for both partners.
How to Use a Vibrating Cock Ring: Apply the Vibrating Cock Ring around the base of a flaccid or semi-erect penis. Some models are meant to apply dual pressure around the base of the penis and testicles.
The pressure should be enough to trap the blood into the penis and prevent it from flowing back, resulting in a sustained erection. The erection should last long enough to complete the sexual act. For health and safety purposes, don’t wear a Vibrating Cock Ring longer than 30 minutes.
Bondage Furniture
BDSM requires specially-crafted furniture to restrain and tie-up the submissive partner and emphasize the dominant power and control. This is what makes Bondage Furniture highly-relevant in the world of BDSM.
What is Bondage Furniture? A Bondage Furniture is meant to position and restrain the submissive partner. It comes in several varieties and supports various positions like lying, kneeling, suspension, sitting, and many others.
Bondage Furniture has special features that can put a submissive partner in a state of helplessness and powerlessness. Most models also have safety elements to ensure comfort and to avoid spinal impact and other injuries.
Variations of Bondage Furniture: There are many types of Bondage Furniture that most people refer to as sex furniture. These are pieces of furniture that make up a BDSM dungeon.
Examples are bondage chairs, kneelers, suspenders, slings, beds, and tables, among other types. Special models have additional bondage features like shackles, chains, and arm restraints.
Depending on how intense and passionate you are with your BDSM practice, there are specific designs that promote sexual comfort and other designs that trigger pain and discomfort.
Bondage Collars
If you’re new to BDSM, Bondage Collars may serve as your entry-level Couple’s Sex Toys. For starters, Bondage Collars are less intimidating and ideal for role-playing sessions wherein one has to play the role of the submissive partner while the other one acts as the dominant.
How to use Bondage Collars: A Bondage Collar is a suitable way to introduce BDSM to your relationship wherein the wearer acts as the submissive partner. During sexual intercourse, the dominant partner attaches a leash to the collar to emphasize sexual slavery or animalistic status.
This gives the dominant enough physical control over the submissive partner.
Variations of Bondage Collars: A Bondage or BDSM Collar may seem like a neck accessory that is made of a think band of leather with metallic details. It usually has a lock, and only the dominant in the relationship can remove it from the submissive partner.
Modern variations have come out, which resemble a fine leather accessory or a delicate chain that adorns the neck. The Bondage Collar usually signifies a commitment to a partner.
Sex Swings
If you’re looking for ways to try out a new sexual position with your partner, a Sex Swing might offer you an exciting and creative option. Depending on the type of swing you have, some changes in your room may be necessary for the installation. Once it’s ready, you can start thinking of ways to enjoy it with your partner during your sexy playtime.
What is a Sex Swing? A Sex Swing is a type of Couple’s Sex Toy that comes in the form of a harness or suspension. It can either be right above the bed, couch, or in a clear area. It is specifically designed for sexual intercourse wherein one partner is on the suspension while the other moves freely.
Variations of Sex Swings: There are several variations of Sex Swings to allow different moves that you cannot do on the bed. They are meant to add a sense of excitement and adventure to make the sexual adventure more intimate.
Some variations have a sling for the back and butt with additional stirrups to accommodate each leg. The harnesses are all adjustable to achieve a snug and comfortable fit. Another variation is suspended from a spring, which creates a bouncing effect for an even more fun playtime.
Sex Masks
A Sex Mask is useful in blindfolding your partner during foreplay and sexual intercourse to trigger sexual arousal and intensify physical stimulation.
Benefits of using Sex Masks: Blindfold sex using a Sex Mask is a healthy sexual practice that can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. This idea makes Sex Masks beneficial for every couple who wants to take on a new adventure in bed.
Allowing yourself to be blindfolded while your partner takes control requires serious trust. And once your partner gains this from you, you’ll feel closer and more at ease.
What makes Sex Masks beneficial for couples? Sex Masks can create an exciting twist to your sex life. When you cannot see what’s coming next while having sex with your partner, every small move can surprise you. The stimulation magnifies by ten-folds as the anticipation builds up.
Sensual foreplay, while blindfolded, offers a magnificent time to introduce new sensations using feathers, ice, brush, and sex toys. It also allows you to be more creative and imaginative as you run whatever feels good along your partner’s body.
Make an exact silicone replica of any penis and any size using a Clone-A-Willy kit. This is a fun and interactive activity for couples who want to create their perfect sex toy using their hands and skills.
What is Clone-A-Willy? Clone-A-Willy is a Do-It-Yourself vibrator making kit that includes every material you need to create, mold, and replicate a human penis. It comes with a powerful single-speed vibration so you can have fun after creating your masterpiece.
Clone-A-Willy comes with a clinically-tested molding gel that can mimic the lifelike details of a male penis. Therefore, it allows you to create a personalized vibrating sex toy.
How to use a Clone-A-Willy: The Clone-A-Willy kit comes with an 11 x 2 ½ inch plastic tube where you will insert your penis. Start by mixing some water with the molding powder. Insert your “Willy” into the molding tube until it solidifies. Pour the silicone material into the mold and wait for 24 hours before removing your personalized vibrator.
When you buy a Clone-A-Willy Kit, the package contains; easy-to-follow instructions, molding powder, molding tube, 2-part silicone mix, stirring stick, thermometer, and a vibrator unit.
Face Strap-Ons
If you have a fascination for bizarre and unique sex toys, you’ll love how Face Strap-Ons work. These are sex toys specifically-crafted for lesbian and gay sex. However, heterosexual couples that want to get adventurous and kinky in bed can likewise benefit from them. This is when a woman penetrates a man through the anus using a strap-on, a practice that is widely-known as pegging.
What are Face Strap-Ons? Face Strap-Ons consist of a dildo with a face harness. It is meant to be worn around the mouth area with the dildo facing front – a position that allows the wearer to penetrate their partner with the dildo. The harness is usually made of leather, while the dildo is made of body-grade silicone. The purpose is for creative role-playing during sex, and vaginal or anal penetration.
Who can use a Face Strap-On? Both homosexual and heterosexual couples can use a Face Strap-On during sexual intercourse. A woman may wear the strap-on and penetrate her partner’s anus (pegging). Among lesbians, Face Strap-Ons are useful in both vaginal and anal penetration, it's considered as an anal sex toy.
And among gays, these couple’s sex toys are suitable for anal penetration. Adding up to the uniqueness of a Face Strap-On is the opportunity to view up-close the actual penetration you’re doing to your partner since the dildo’s attachment is on your face.