Anal Lubes
Best 10 Anal Lubes in 2025

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Silicone
Volume: 100 ml
Lubricant Features: Condom-safe

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 255 ml
Lubricant Features: Vegetarians Yes

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 100 ml
Lubricant Features: Vegetarians Yes

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 240 ml
Lubricant Features: Vegetarians Yes

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 250 ml
Lubricant Features: Condom-safe

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 100 ml
Lubricant Features: Condom-safe

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 255 ml
Lubricant Features: Vegetarians Yes

Lubricant Type: Fisting
Volume: 236 ml
Lubricant Features: Vegetarians Yes

Bottle type: Squeeze
Lubricant Type: Water-based
Volume: 60 ml
Lubricant Features: Condom-safe

Bottle type: Pump
Lubricant Type: Anal
Volume: 127 ml
What Are Anal Lubes?

Lubricants are intended to make sex more pleasurable and painless. Several different kinds, such as silicone lubes, organic lubes, water-based lubes, fisting lubes, flavored lubes, and anal lubes. Each has its own purpose, and if picked properly, they will enhance your sex life.
To my surprise, ancient Greeks were very open to anal sex and homosexuality. Back in the early B.Cs, they used olive oil for anal sex and even made dildos with olive oil in them. Now, we thankfully have designated lubricants, which are a must for anal sex.
The anus does not lubricate itself as the vagina does, so it is very important to lubricate the anus well before inserting anything in. There are many different kinds of anal lube, such as water-based anal lube, silicone anal lube, and natural anal lube. All of which are intended specifically for the anus.
How to Use Anal Lubes

Anal lube is just like any other lubricant, but it is a thicker consistency for the anus. This is perfect because the anus has no lubrication, and it does hurt if there is no moisture as it causes friction. This can make anal sex extremely unpleasurable.
Anal lube is to be directly placed on the anus. However, the more lubrication, the better! You can put lube directly on whichever toy you are using, or more lube on the penis itself. Condoms are also a must when performing anal sex.
So, make sure that whichever lube you are using is compatible with the condoms. For example, silicone is recommended for anal sex because of the consistency, but you cannot use silicone condoms with silicone lube as it will disintegrate the material of the condom.
Cleaning yourself before anal sex while using lubricant is also important for an intimate sexual experience. Most people say you should take a diarrhetic or use a douche to clean out the anal cavity. However, this is not necessarily the case. If you feel the urge to poop before sex, then make sure you go.
There is no need to make yourself go if you do not have to. Just make sure you use the bathroom and clean your anus with lots of soap! Maybe even try doing a finger sniff test. Come on, we have all done it! Douches can increase your chance of infection, but if they work for you, by all means, go ahead.
So, in short, make sure you wash yourself extensively, lube up (you can never use too much), and have fun!
Do You Need Anal Lubes for Anal Sex?

In short, yes. No matter what the circumstances are, lube is crucial to comfortable anal sex. Remember that not everyone is a fan of anal sex because of its bad reputation. I know that when I was younger, I always heard stories about how uncomfortable and painful anal sex is.
Not to mention the classic” if something comes out, nothing is meant to go in”, as well as “if your man wants anal sex then he must be gay”. Sorry to say, ladies, after trying it for myself, I would never go back to that way of thinking.
Trust and lube are all you need for great anal sex. I was very hesitant at first because of everything I heard, but it is very pleasurable if you trust the right person. The most important thing is lube, lube, and more lube. The anus does not self-lubricate like the vagina. So, no matter how turned on you are, it will not do anything to the anus.
You do not want friction, so if you lube up everything, trying anal sex will be pleasurable. However, do not go all in at once! Start off by lubing up a few fingers or a smaller toy and get a larger as you get more comfortable.
It is also important to remember that the anus will “keep shape” temporarily so you can go in and out without losing progress, but after a while, it does tighten back up.
Never go all in at once as it can cause extreme pain, and make sure you are open and honest with your partner at all times.
Remember that while you need lube for anal, and some may need it for the vagina, if you are getting hot and heavy in the bedroom, never go from anal to vaginal sex. This can cause infections and is very unsanitary no matter how much you may have washed yourself.
Anal sex without lubricant can also cause damage, such as tearing the anal lining, leading to an increased risk of HIV spreading.
How Much Do Anal Lubes Cost?

Anal lube is not very expensive, which is positive if you are interested in exploring that route. Some are more expensive than others, but this mostly depends on the ingredients in the lubricant. For instance, a silicone anal lube may be less expensive than an organic lube bought from the store.
Where you purchase an anal lubricant also matters. You can purchase anal lubricants over the counter and drugstores such as Walgreens, or even a Walmart for a cheaper price, but they may not have many options. Online stores such as Amazon and such also have good deals, but based on my experience, they are not always the cheapest for the best.
Purchasing from a sex store in person or online is a great option if you are looking for quality. You may spend a few more dollars on the product, but you will know one hundred percent that you are receiving quality, which can make a difference when it comes to your first anal sex experience.
Please also make sure you look at any ingredients in your anal lubricant if you are prone to any sensitivities and if you have any allergies, such as latex.
Types of Anal Lubes

Water-Based Anal Lube
Water-based anal lubes are what is most commonly found in drug stores because they are compatible with almost everything. They will not disintegrate silicone condoms and can be used with any toy. However, the downside of using a water-based lubricant, especially with anal sex, is the lack of longevity.
They are made of water and therefore tend to evaporate faster than other lubricants. You also cannot use them in the shower. So, let us say you wanted to try your first anal sex experience in the shower, you cannot. The lubricant will just wash away.
Anal sex requires constant lubrication so again this type is not ideal unless it does not bother you to keep stopping to apply more lube. I know this would get tedious for me.
Silicone Anal Lube
Silicone anal lubricant is highly recommended because of its components. Silicone lubes last longer and are great for anal sex because you will not have to stop having fun to keep reapplying lube.
Silicone anal lubes also work in the shower for a great shower sex session that is perfect for anal sex because you do not need to worry about getting “dirty”.
Natural Anal Lube
Some people prefer all-natural ingredients going into their bodies, and that is okay! They do make organic lubricants made for anal sex. The only downside to these lubricants is that they may be a little more pricey, just like if you were going to the store and buying organic fruit over regular fruit.
These are harder to find at a local store, so the best bet would be to look online at sites such as Amazon or online sex stores. Remember to look at all ingredients again to make sure there is nothing in the lubricant you are allergic to.
Homemade Anal Lubes

Sometimes things happen, and we are caught up in the moment! This is completely understandable as I have been down this road myself. There are a few things that we can use that may already be in the house when it pertains to anal lube.
Saliva / Spit
Saliva can be used during anal sex, but of course, it is not the best option. It’s similar to water-based lube, saliva is made up of mostly water, and constant reapplication will be necessary throughout your playtime. Also, spit is not made to decrease friction, so the possibility of having an anal lining tear is still there.
I would not recommend this if you also have a new partner and someone you do not know too well. HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases can already be spread through anal sex, and it would be a second whammy if you use spit too.
Coconut Oil
Most of us are on social media such as Facebook and Pinterest and we see all the time that coconut oil can be used for everything. Same holds true for anal lubricant! If this is all you have, then coconut oil is a great solution instead of anal lube.
Although, as with anything, there is a downside. Coconut oil should not be used with condoms, which can be a negative if you have not been with this partner for log. Another questionable thing is the fact that coconut oil can stain. This can be annoying if you always have to clean the sheets, but if you and your partner do not mind, then more power to you.
Aloe Vera
Yes, aloe vera can be used as an anal lubricant. Especially if you have an aloe vera plant like I do. Just take the gel off of the plant, put it in a small dish, and you are good to go. However, if you only have a bottle of aloe vera gel, then you will have to look at the other ingredients in the bottle to make sure nothing is harmful to your body.
This is true if you have bottles, for let us say a sunburn, and the bottle does not say one hundred percent natural. Always pay attention to labels. Also, aloe is similar to water-based lube. So, you may have to keep applying the aloe very to the anus and toys or penis to make sure everything remains comfortable.
Baby Oil
Baby oil is petroleum-based and can be used as an anal lubricant, but it does have its drawbacks. Baby oil is not compatible with condoms, so if you are not certain about your partner, simply do not use it. If you are planning to experiment with anal lube and sex toys, this is also not your best bet.
You cannot use baby oil on sex toys made out of silicone or rubber (which is what most sex toys are made of) as it can ruin the toy. If that happens, you will be paying more to replace the toy than just purchasing anal lube.
Baby oil also does leave stains, which can be very hard to get out and does increase the chance of infection. Women who use baby oil are two times more likely to be diagnosed with bacterial infections.
We always hear people talking about using Vaseline during sex as a cheap option. Emphasis on the cheap option. Just because it is cheap and may be lying around does not mean it is the best.
Even though it has a thicker consistency than other products, the label states explicitly for external use only. Again, people who use Vaseline for anal sex are found to have a higher risk of infections.
Overall, anal sex can be a great sex life booster between you and your partner, or your favorite sex toy. It is important to pick the right lubricant for you and your partner to make sure anal sex is a great experience and it as least painful as possible! Remember, the more you spend on anal lube, the higher quality you will have, and cheaper is also not always better for sex.
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