How Many Adult Toys Do We Test per Sex Toy Category?
We do thorough research for every list of top-10 products on any sex toy category and identify the adult toys with the most and best reviews. We purchase 30 to 40 products in that specific sex toy category and let our team try the products. After a couple of weeks, we start getting some feedback from our team, and we start evaluating each sex toy to narrow down the choices until we come up with the top-10 products that will make it to our public list of best sex toys. We pick the best toys based on functionality, quality, and packaging experience. Our commitment to all sexy buyers is to provide them with an easier process of picking a sex toy that they won't regret buying.
How Does BestSexToys Have Special Discounts and Lower Prices? strives to provide the best adult toys at the best possible price available. We've come a long way since we started, and now with millions of visitors every month, we have created partnerships with big and popular sex toy companies. Big sex toy manufacturers exchange exclusive discounts and promotional codes for exposure on BestSexToys. When you purchase any sex toy through our platform, our system automatically adds a cookie to the manufacturer's website that provides you with a special discounted price. All adult sex toys shown on our platform have a 20 to 40% discount on the final price.
What Are the Requirements for All Sex Toys Listed
All the erotic sex toys available on our platform ensure the following; free shipping, discreet billing and shipping, worldwide shipping and delivery, and a secure checkout process to complete any transaction. Multiple sex toy companies have tried to enter BestSexToys' featured products, but they're left out because they don't match our guidelines. We make sure that when you purchase from, you have the best purchase experience.
What Type of Customer Do We Serve?
BestSexToys helps thousands of customers to buy their new sex toy without regretting their purchase later on. The type of customer that purchases from BestSexToys is the one that doesn't want to look through thousands of products and wants to be offered the best selection at a reduced price. In our adult shop, we offer various types of adult sex toys to suit different sexual preferences, such as dildos, masturbators, vibrators, anal sex toys, and more.
Where Can You Find a BestSexToys' Local Store?
We have partnered with multiple local adult sex toy shops around the U.S. to provide our customers with faster shipping from their warehouses and welcome some local customers to their adult sex toy shop. All local adult sex toy shops that have an active partnership with BestSexToys will offer you the reduced prices you can find throughout our platform. They won't discuss the price, and all you need to do is show them the current discounted price at BestSexToys. Our biggest local sex toy shop partnerships are located in Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Michigan, Dallas, Washington, and Nashville. For a complete list of our local partners throughout the U.S., please contact us at any time.
What Are the Benefits of Subscribing to the Newsletter?
Throughout our site, we encourage visitors to subscribe to our free newsletter. We regularly send new products, new reduced prices, extra promotional codes for their next purchase, and some freebies to all subscribed users. We're aware of the multiple companies that share the information obtained from their users. Rest assured that Bestsextoys won't sell or share your e-mail information with other companies. So don't be left out and join our newsletter to get the hottest discounts on the best sex toys.